10 Tips & Tricks To Becoming More Efficient

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In the digital age, the world is a more connected place than ever. But there are still many things that we do every day and forget about until it’s too late. Being more efficient can be one of those things. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated; it just takes some commitment and effort on your part! In this post, I’ll go over 10 tips for becoming more efficient in your life and career so that you can make the most out of everything going on around you each day—no matter how busy or distracted we might feel at certain points in time.

Wake up early.

Wake up early.

It’s the first thing you should do every day, but it’s also something that could be done as a habit to help you become more efficient and productive throughout your day. If you’re like me and have trouble getting out of bed earlier than 10 AM, try setting an alarm clock for 5-10 minutes before your usual wake-up time so that when the alarm goes off (or even before), there will still be enough time for yourself to shower, get dressed and make breakfast before heading out the door. This way when those little alarms go off at 6 AM instead of 9 AM (which would otherwise seem like way too early), they don’t feel so foreign anymore because now 8 AM feels normal!

Be deliberate with how you spend your time.

  • Be deliberate with how you spend your time.
  • Be aware of how much time you spend on things that don’t contribute to your goals, or make you happy.
  • Don’t waste any more of your life than necessary on things that don’t matter at all!

Take breaks as needed.

Taking breaks as needed is a great way to keep yourself from getting burnt out. Take your lunch break, go for a walk around the office, or even just go outside and enjoy some fresh air. The more often you take breaks, the less likely it is that you’ll get overworked or bored with your job.

  • Be sure to set aside time for yourself in between each task so that no one is left waiting on anything important.*
  • When taking breaks at work, try not to turn off any of your devices (phones, computers). If there’s something else that could distract from what needs doing right now—like watching an episode of The Office on Netflix—then do whatever needs doing instead!

Write out your daily goals.

It’s important to write down your daily goals so that you can see them from a distance and make sure they’re within reach. Write them down in a place where you will see them every day, even if it’s at work or school.

Write your goals as specific as possible—you’ll be more likely to accomplish what needs accomplishing if there’s no ambiguity about what exactly needs doing or when something needs to be done.

Remember: the key here is repetition! Make sure the goal has some kind of visual cue associated with it (a color scheme, say) so it doesn’t get lost amidst all the other tasks on your list; otherwise, this could become overwhelming very quickly.

Make a to-do list.

Making a to-do list can be a pain, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to stay organized and on top of your game. The key is breaking down each task into smaller chunks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by the whole thing. For example, instead of just writing down “clean up my apartment” as a whole task, think about what needs cleaning: “bedroom,” “bathroom,” etc. Then break that down even further into smaller tasks like:

  • Vacuum
  • Clean sink/tub/shower

Next, prioritize these tasks based on their urgency or importance—and write them in order they need to be done (i.e., vacuum first). Finally, set aside time for each task that works best for your schedule and day-to-day life plan so nothing slips through the cracks!

Make daily routines.

Daily routines are a good way to be more efficient.

They can help you get more done, feel organized and in control, and feel balanced.

You might have heard this before but it’s true: daily routines can make your life easier!

Declutter your workspace and surroundings.

  • Remove distractions. It’s important to keep your workspace as clean and orderly as possible, so you can focus on the task at hand.
  • Remove clutter. Clutter is a distraction in its own right—it gets in the way of what we’re trying to do, whether it’s sorting through our emails or working on a report for work.
  • Get rid of items that you don’t need anymore (or won’t be used in the near future). If something doesn’t have any use anymore, get rid of it! You’ll save time and space if you do this early on in life; otherwise they’ll just sit around collecting dust until they are finally thrown away or donated when things get too overwhelming which makes them harder for yourself later down the road when things might be different from now…”

Keep track of your progress over time.

A great way to start your journey toward becoming more efficient is by keeping track of how much time you spend on tasks. This can be done through a simple spreadsheet, or with an app like Todoist. Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important that you keep track of the time spent on each task and not just the overall number spent on them (i.e., “I spent 45 minutes finishing this project”).

It’s also important that when adding new tasks into your list they fit into existing categories so they don’t get lost in the shuffle or forgotten altogether! If possible add additional columns such as date completed/due date etc., so as long as there’s enough data showing up regularly then things should be easy enough looking back later down the line instead having random entries everywhere which makes finding anything harder than necessary.”

Focus on one thing at a time.

Focus on one thing at a time. If you try to do too many things at once, you won’t get any of them done.

Focus on one thing and work on it until it’s done. Then move on to the next task and don’t try to do everything at once!

This is important because if you’re trying to multi-task then there’s no way that any of your tasks will get done properly or efficiently enough (and even if they did get done efficiently enough).

Learn to prioritize.

There are many things you can prioritize in your life, but the first step is to learn to prioritize. Before you can get anything done, it’s important that you know what needs to be done first and then do those tasks. Once this is clear in your mind, then it’s time for other things like goals and relationships. Once these become clearer as well, then comes time for health and finances!

Being more efficient doesn’t have to be difficult.

You have to be deliberate with how you spend your time. You have to make daily routines and write out your daily goals. You need a simple to-do list, which you can use over and over again. If this seems overwhelming at first, don’t worry: the more practice you get at making these small changes in your life, the easier it will become!

The first step is decluttering everything around me: my desk at work (which has papers everywhere), my living room (which has clothes everywhere), my bedroom (where there are books all over). This helps me focus more on what needs done today rather than what could be done tomorrow if I didn’t clean up now.

I also keep track of my progress over time—not just by keeping an eye on things but also by writing down everything that happens throughout each day so that I can see how much progress has been made toward achieving certain goals


Now that you have some great tips and tricks to help you become more efficient, it’s time to get started. Remember that there is no one perfect way of doing things; instead, find what works best for you in your own personal situation and continue to adapt with the changes as they come along.


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